Our Volunteers and Interurban cars run through the Summer for guests to enjoy the Surrey Heritage Rail experience. We also have various special events around Halloween and Christmas to continue the fun. Did you know that you can experience more and see “behind the scenes” at other times of the year? These are the “School Visits!”
Originally started to allow classes to come to Cloverdale Station during the school year to enhance their studies, we have found this works for others to tailor an experience.
Usually set for Mondays or Fridays to not conflict with restoration and maintenance work in the barn, there are other times that can be arranged.
We also have some featured topics that can be highlighted during the visit: Transportation; Rail Safety; History; Science (How does the car get power? How does electricity make it move?)
Some examples of other groups that have visited: Scouts, Guides,
Seniors, Family group, conventions.
Interested? Please see the School Visits page and download the form. Once filled out please email to info@FVHRS.org