Sullivan Excursion
Train Ride
About the Ride
Ride into the past on Surrey’s Heritage Railway!
The train is a B.C. Electric interurban car rehabilitated to a state of full operation by our volunteers. The train departs our Cloverdale Station and travels through the farmlands to Sullivan Park and returns. Crossing over Highway 10 is an exciting experience. Lights flash, the whistle blows, and traffic comes to a halt. Passengers and vehicle drivers wave at each other in greeting.
The train crosses the Serpentine River into pristine Fraser Valley countryside. We often see hawks, bald eagles and families of coyotes. Each train has a Passenger Attendant who shares rail history and stories with our passengers.
All trains depart Cloverdale Station at Hwy 10 and 176A Street in Cloverdale. The route is: to Sullivan Park, and return.
The Sullivan Excursion train ride is approximately 55 minutes long.
Our flagship car is Interurban 1225. We do have special days when we operate Interurban 1304, the Royal Connaught car. Look for these special days on our Calendar of Events.
Excursion Schedule
The Sullivan Excursion is exclusively offered on Sundays throughout the season.
- First Excursion: 10 AM
- Second Excursion: 11:30 AM
- Third Excursion: 1:30 PM
- Fourth and Last Excursion: 3 PM
Buying Tickets
The Sullivan Excursion opens May 4th.
Tickets are now available – get yours today!
About the Ride
Ride into the past on Surrey’s Heritage Railway!
The train is a B.C. Electric interurban car rehabilitated to a state of full operation by our volunteers. The train departs our Cloverdale Station and travels through the farmlands to Sullivan Park and returns. Crossing over Highway 10 is an exciting experience. Lights flash, the whistle blows, and traffic comes to a halt. Passengers and vehicle drivers wave at each other in greeting.
The train crosses the Serpentine River into pristine Fraser Valley countryside. We often see hawks, bald eagles and families of coyotes. Each train has a Passenger Attendant who shares rail history and stories with our passengers.
All trains depart Cloverdale Station at Hwy 10 and 176A Street in Cloverdale. The route is: to Sullivan Park, and return.
The Sullivan Excursion train ride is approximately 55 minutes long.
Our flagship car is Interurban 1225. We do have special days when we operate Interurban 1304, the Royal Connaught car. Look for these special days on our Calendar of Events.
Excursion Schedule
The Sullivan Excursion is exclusively offered on Sundays throughout the season.
- First Excursion: 10 AM
- Second Excursion: 11:30 AM
- Third Excursion: 1:30 PM
- Fourth and Last Excursion: 3 PM
Buying Tickets
The Sullivan Excursion opens May 4th.
Tickets are now available – get yours today!
Curious About the Sullivan Excursion Train Ride?
Check out this video:
Video courtesy of Angie Lowis, Vancouver Lifestyle Influencer.
FVHRS is 100% Volunteer-run
We are actively looking for volunteers to help support the activities and operations of the society.
You don’t need to be an engineer to get involved! Click here to learn more.
Follow Us!
It’s really happening! We really are finally back on TRACK!
Rides on Surrey’s Heritage Rail will start on Saturday, September 4! We will run every Saturday until October 9. The 1225 Interurban will run four trips each Saturday from Cloverdale Station to Sullivan Station and back. This is approximately a 50-minute ride. In addition, you can also ride the Speeder on our Spur line.
We will also be hosting special Halloween Rides from Cloverdale Station to Sullivan Station on Saturday October 16 and Sunday October 17. More information to follow, watch this space!
This is a fun family experience! Bring the kids, and bring Grandma and Grandpa too, they may have stories from when they rode the rails. Experience Surrey’s 110-year-old heritage rail history!
We want to get the word out, please SHARE this post on your Facebook page!
Please visit our website for more information:
Ticket prices here:
Purchase your tickets for the Cloverdale to Sullivan trip here:
Purchase your tickets for the Speeder rides here:
Purchase your tickets for the Halloween Train here:
#fraservalleyheritagerail #surreysheritagerail #funfamilyexperience #fallevent #surreyfamilyevent
We missed the main car, but got a ride in the little speed car. What a great experience put on by the #fraservalleyheritagerailwaysociety #Cloverdale #railway #connaught #Sullivan #experience #brooksideinnabbotsford #boutiquehotel #romantic #reservation #heritage #honeymoon #hotel #abbotsford #agritourism #tourismabbotsford #tripadvisor
This rail car at the Fraser Valley Heritage Railway Society will be raised for the next 12 - 24 months while the motor and other technical parts are restored to working order.
#FraserValleyHeritageRailway #FVHRS #SurreysHeritageRail
#reducereuserecycle #structuralmoving #restoration #preservation #upcycling #zerowaste #engineering #trains #vintagetrains #historiccloverdale #reducereuserecycle #heavytransport #fortheloveofoldhouses #housemoving #houselifting #recycling #heritagehomes #beautifulbc #heritagebc #historicbc #recycledhomes #vintagehomes
Take the Electric Express this Christmas! Get your tickets now before they sell out!
Shake the snow globe and travel back in time with the Electric Express to 1921. See the characters, hear the Christmas music, experience the stories of the Fraser Valley one hundred years ago.
Feel the magic of Christmas as we visit Father Christmas in his secret workshop. You will want to bring your whole family to enjoy our theatrical event that is sure to warm your heart and make you laugh.
This is a heritage railway theatrical experience that takes place on the train run on our 1/2-mile section of our track, with a destination visit to the secret workshop of Father Christmas. Please note the train does not run to Sullivan Station, it travels a short distance up our spur line and back to Father Christmas’s Secret Workshop. The Electric Express experience is approximately 50 minutes long.
This experience will set the scene for the start of a wonderful Christmas season.
Receive a souvenir button! Sat. Dec. 11 and Sun. Dec.12 - 4 trips each day.
All tickets must be purchased online at
More information at
*Masks and proof of vaccination are required.
Please share this post with your friends! The Monster Express sold out last month, don`t miss this opportunity to get your tickets before they are gone!
STOP! and get your tickets for this Saturday! Conductor Colin says, bring the whole family! We`re kid friendly!
Tickets purchased online only.
Please visit our website for more information:
Ticket prices here:
Purchase your tickets for the Cloverdale to Sullivan trip here:
Purchase your tickets for the Speeder rides here:
Please share this post with your friends!
#fraservalleyheritagerail #surreysheritagerail #funfamilyexperience #fallevent #surreyfamilyevent
Spent a lovely morning with the volunteers at the Fraser Valley Heritage Railway Society last week. Nickel Bros raises the trains here to allow access to restore undercarriage parts like the motors and wheel assemblies. If you haven`t paid this site a visit, make sure it`s on your summer to-do list!
#structuralmoving #fraservalleyheritagerailway #fraservalleyheritagerailwaysociety
Tickets still available for this Saturday Sept. 11. Ride history on Surrey’s Heritage Railway Car 1225 from Cloverdale Station to Sullivan Station and back.
This is a fun family experience! Bring the kids and bring Grandma and Grandpa too! Please share this post with your friends!
Please visit our website for more information:
Ticket prices here:
Purchase your tickets for the Cloverdale to Sullivan trip here:
Purchase your tickets for the Speeder rides here:
#fraservalleyheritagerail #surreysheritagerail #funfamilyexperience #fallevent #surreyfamilyevent
Take a trip into the past with Surrey’s Heritage Rail In Cloverdale!
You can take tours as well as ride the train.
Ticket pricing and info on their website.
They also have themes for Christmas and Halloween.
#discovercloverdale #surreyheritagerail #surreybc #discoversurrey #yessurrey #fraservalleyheritagerailway
Got your tickets for this Saturday’s (Sept. 4) ride on Surrey’s Heritage Railway from Cloverdale Station to Sullivan Station and back?! There`s still some left!
This is a fun family experience! Bring the kids and bring Grandma and Grandpa too!
Please visit our website for more information:
Ticket prices here:
Purchase your tickets for the Cloverdale to Sullivan trip here:
#fraservalleyheritagerail #surreysheritagerail #funfamilyexperience #fallevent #surreyfamilyevent
Oh, how I miss riding the beautifully restored electric trains at the Fraser Valley Heritage Railway Society! 😎
It’s an annual ride I would take with my family for sure.
I also make a point of introducing them to as many friends and clients alike as I can throughout the summer.
This seems to be one of the hidden treasures in Cloverdale!
Hopefully, they will open later in the summer providing it is safe for everyone, especially they’re enthusiastic volunteers. If not, I will be on their doorstep in 2021. 👍😃
In the meantime, show the Fraser Valley Heritage Railway Society some LOVE by commenting your experience below... 😘
#fraservalleyheritagerailwaysociety #fraservalleyheritagerailway
#cloverdale #cloverdalebc #cloverdalerealtor #cloverdalerealestate #cloverdalehomes #fraservalleyrealestate #fraservalleyrealtor #westcloverdale #cloverdaleliving
Thank you to all the monsters, big and small, who made this year`s Monster Express such a sold out success! We could not have done this without our marvelous volunteers or you, our passengers! Looking forward to our next special event, the Electric Express! Stay tuned for information about a December theatrical event!
We hope you`ll be able to join us Thursday, April 4 for our third Heritage Chat with David Hobson, a volunteer with the Fraser Valley Heritage Railway. Did you know that from the early 1900s to the mid 1950s the BC Electric Railway served as a major transportation link between New Westminster and Chilliwack?
Everyone is welcome! Admission is free, but we always appreciate donations.
#heritagechats #keepingthepastpresent #fraservalleyheritagerailway #TransportationHistory
They`re Back on Track!
ADVENTURE SATURDAYS: The ever-popular Heritage Rail Adventure will be running four events every SATURDAY.
EXCURSION SUNDAYS: The beloved Sullivan Excursion will be available for four events every SUNDAY.
Let us welcome the Sullivan Excursion back starting Sunday September 8th – Get your tickets today!
#jarrydpintorealestate #jpre #remaxcityrealty #remaxagent #realtor #surreysheritagerail #heritagerail #gobackintime #train
A little bit of Nickel Bros heritage is now on display at the Fraser Valley Heritage Railway Society!
This train has been raised to allow for restoration of the motors and wheel assembly. Did you know that just one of these train cars has a total of 4 motors?? #OurPurposeIsToRepurpose
#structuralmoving #fraservalleyheritagerailway #fraservalleyheritagerailwaysociety #restoration #historiccloverdale #heritagerestoration