2022 Paint the Train

For this year’s competition the Arts Council of Surrey, the Langley Arts Council and the FVHRS expanded the scope for both subject choice as well as geography. For 2022, Paint the Train entries represent the artists view of the impact of railways (electric, steam, diesel) in the region since 1886 – the date of the first scheduled train to cross Canada from sea to sea. The subject should have a direct connection to a railway in the region of the lower Fraser Valley and the Lower Mainland.

This year also saw the addition of a new category for Juniors. Considering Juniors to be aged 10 through 17, this is the fourth category for judging.  Juniors are not awarded a full cash prize but are recognized with gift certificates and artist’s supplies provided by donors.

All submissions were displayed at Newton Cultural Centre during November 2022; winners went on tour at Township of Langley Civic Centre December 4, 2022 through January 4, 2023; the display of winners then moved to the New Westminster Arts Council Gallery January 5 through January 29; upon request from Surrey Libraries, the Winners tour continued from February 2 to March 31.


For 2022 we are pleased to welcome back our three respected artists from last year as judges again this year. Scarlet Black, Marc Pelech and Brian Croft will select the winners and Honourable Mention prizes.

For 2023 we are pleased to welcome both the New Westminster Arts Council and the Burnaby Arts Council to the Paint the Train team.

2-D Painting & Drawing on any substrate

First Place

Looking Back

A visitor stands at the Canadian National Rail car, and from the perspective of today, looks back at the past.

Artist: Jenny Jia

Medium: Oil on canvas

Second Place

An Engine Idles at Ft. Langley Station

This piece combines some of the history of the Ft. Langley Station’s Past with its current paint scheme, and includes a 1960’s era CN engine of the F7 class.

Artist: Bob Gunning

Medium: Oil on canvas

Third Place

First Trip to Vancouver: May 23, 1887

The Train is officially coming to Vancouver. Crowds will cheer, bands will play, and flags will be hung. Canada will finally be connected from Coast to Coast. Many knew the train would bring changes, but none could image how wonderous they would be.

Artist: Wendy Mould

Medium: Ink Drawing

Honourable Mention


Ode to the first interurban rail lines that have evolved into the expansive web of buses and sky rails that we know today. Public transportation has made the natural beauty within our cities accessible to so many, a positive effect on mental health for many of us.

Artist: Melissa Peacock

Medium: Watercolour

3-D Mixed Media, Printmaking, Sculptures & Fiber Arts

First Place

Girl on the Train

This diptych has two components: a photograph created by Lynne Kelman and a piece of textile art created by Carla Paterson. Together they evoke the romance of train travel in the 1940s.

Artist: Carla Paterson & Lynne Kelman

Medium: Mixed Media

Second Place

The Lost Lake

The work is 4 panels and a book. The panels are framed and also reproduced as illustrations in a book that tells the story of Sumas Lake.

Artist: Colin Pronger

Medium: Ink, Watercolour, Text

Third Place

Next Stop Grocery Store

Just think of the shopping I can get now that the train is coming in.

Artist: Patty Halliday

Medium: Mixed Media

Honourable Mention

Mail by Rail

From old to new, locomotives to Skytrains. This piece is made with colourized Skytrain stamps, cut out black cardstock, and used Skytrain Compass cards.

Artist: Haley Halliday

Medium: Mixed media

Photography and Digital Art

First Place

Arriving at Sullivan Station

The BC Electric Railway was the mainstay for many parts of Surrey and its stations. A look at the restored car 1225 as it arrives at Sullivan Station, with light photo-editing and printed on bamboo paper.

Artist: Helmut Gruntorad

Medium: Photograph on Bamboo paper

Second Place

Wild Flowers on the Train Tracks

Nature always prevails on taking its place.

Artist: Ardita Fishta

Medium: Photograph

Third Place

Travelling Through the Pages

Instead of having to sit in rush hour traffic with my knuckles turning white from squeezing the wheel as I yell at drivers who don’t know how to merge, I get to hop on the Skytrain out of Vancouver back home to Surrey. With the Skytrain conducting itself, I get to sit back and relax and work my way through one chapter at a time, until it’s end of the line.

Artist: Haley Halliday

Medium: Photograph

Honourable Mention

BC History on Rails

Fraser Valley Heritage Railway’s restored Connaught car, travelling though Surrey’s fields of Summer. For more information about this historic BC icon,visit the Fraser Valley Heritage Railway Society .

Artist: Helmut Gruntorad

Medium: Photograph on Bamboo paper

Junior Category

First Place

Canadian Pacific

Canadian Pacific is the first railway that connects all Canada, it means union of provinces and territories, and carries hope.

Artist: Sam Li, Age 15

Medium: Black & White Needlepoint Pen

Second Place

The Long Journey

The art is about Canadians travelling through the scenic views of Canada by train.

Artist: Gyan Gawander, Age 16

Medium: Pencil Crayon, watercolour

Third Place

Climate Change Crisis

This train has created so much pollution, it is a part of the climate change crisis happening now.

Artist: Katelynn Sim, age 11

Medium: Pencil, Paint

People’s Choice

Based on votes from attendees, both in-person and virtual at all the presentations in Surrey, Langley and New Westminster.  These awards were announced in June 2023 issue of The Spotlight.

Our Congratulations to

2D Painting & Drawing

Marianne Morlin, “Train Tracking”

Mixed Media, Printmaking, Sculpture & Fiber Arts:

Nancy Wright, “Holding it All Together”

Mixed Media, Printmaking, Sculpture & Fiber Arts: 

Patty Halliday, “Next Stop Grocery Store”

Photography & Digital Art:

Haley Halliday, “Travelling Through the Pages”

Photography & Digital Art

Isabel McCurdy, “Royal Wave”

Junior Category:

Gyan Gawander, “The Long Journey”

Produced with the Support of our Corporate Sponsors

A warm thank you to our corporate sponsors, without whose support this event would not be possible.

© Copyright - Fraser Valley Heritage Railway Society
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